FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE This Saturday, APRIL 13, 2013, THE FOUNDATION OF THE MOBILE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE & PENELOPE HOUSE is sponsoring 8K BY THE BAY. This event is an old running event from the 1980’s that has been resurrected to take place...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, April 8, 2013, THE MOBILE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE FLOTILLA has relocated their base to USCG SECTOR MOBILE. We are continuing to run two boats from BAE systems south to the bay. We are currently flying to the north end of bay...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On Tuesday April 2, 2013, MOBILE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE stopped a vehicle traveling through the Wallace Tunnel where the driver was texting on two phones and driving with his knee. The driver, DANDRE MOORE, admitted to deputies...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pictured below a black male wearing red hat and red t shirt walks out of WALMART with a basket full of items that he did not purchase. A few days prior the same man entered the same WALMART, located at 7855 Moffett Road, Semmes,...