On February 9, 2022, at approximately 7:30 pm, Mobile County Sheriff’s Office received an anonymous tip on a subject that was already under investigation on Drug Distribution, TUYEN NHUT HUYNH (DOB 9/16/02). The crime tip stated that HUYNH would be at a shooting Range on Cody Road. MCSO Narcotics and Special Ops Deputies went to shooting range and observed HUYNH transfer a black bag into a vehicle with two other people. Once the vehicle exited the parking lot of the range, Deputies pulled them over and found (5) loaded pistols, (1) pound of individually packaged marijuana, approximately $4700.00 cash and (2) packages of THC Candy bars. Deputies also searched HUYNH’S vehicle still parked at the range, and found marijuana, empty baggies and scales on his seat. While HUYNH’S vehicle was being searched, another vehicle pulled in driven by ERIC LOPEZ. As LOPEZ exited his vehicle, a strong smell of Marijuanna was noticed by Deputies and his vehicle was searched. LOPEZ had a loaded pistol along with Marijuanna inside his vehicle.
A total of four people were arrested, TUYEN NHUT HUYNH, DEKARI KELIS HART DOB 12/16/02, DANIEL DINH DANG DOB 9/19/97, ERIC LOPEZ DOB 05/05/2000. DANG and LOPEZ had pistol permits and they are currently being revoked.